When it comes to finding meaningful connections, More Than Just Lunch really outdoes the traditional approach It’s Just Lunch in Little Rock has to offer. With personalized service and a boutique Little Rock matchmaking model that’s far different from the high-volume, corporate model utilized by It’s Just Lunch, More Than Just Lunch takes pride in their services. Because we believe in quality over quantity, we limit the number of clients we take on at any given time so that each one receives personalized attention and a carefully selected pool of potential matches. This is an exclusive approach whereby you are not made to feel like just a number; you are an important client who needs a match that really fits your specific needs and values.
Our Luxury Matchmaking Service in Arkansas provides a more personal and caring approach, as opposed to the impersonal, cookie-cutter solutions that It’s Just Lunch would provide. More Than Just Lunch takes the time necessary to get to know you on a deeper level, knowing your aspirations concerning relationships, your way of life, and your personality. This comprehensive process allows us to personally choose introductions that are compatible and can feel a deep connection. Since we work with fewer clients, much more time can be given to creating and presenting compatible matches that truly are the best fit for your unique needs.
Our boutique service allows for a very superior private and personal level of attention to every detail in every interaction. We believe that selecting a partner is such a unique, personal journey; it’s a process that should be treated as private and respected. Our personal team works hand in hand with you through the matchmaking process, giving support and guidance to further enhance your dating experience. In choosing More Than Just Lunch, you are investing in a personalized matchmaking experience that puts your success and happiness first, the complete opposite of the impersonal, high-volume approaches of It’s Just Lunch.